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Control and Operation of the Public Water System  
Water service to your home or business is made possible by a complex system of wells, pipelines, pump stations, storage tanks and a multitude of valves, sensors, controllers and other equipment. Operation and maintenance of these facilities, up to and including the customer's meter, is the responsibility of the District. In general, water is pumped from several wells at a time, often under automatic control, to maintain tank levels. Booster pump stations are used to move the water to higher elevation tanks. The tank levels are typically maintained at or near 90% full in the summer and at lower levels in the winter. With the help of gravity, water flows from the higher elevation tanks and through many miles of distribution lines to the customer meters for your use.

Tampering with or Vandalism of the Water System
If you witness any acts of tampering and/or vandalism of District facilities, immediately call your local law enforcement agency and EAWSD, (505) 466-1085, or (505) 780-0090 on evenings and weekends. Remember, these are the facilities that provide your drinking water, and the cost of repair or replacement will ultimately affect the rates you pay for service. 
Regulating Water Pressure in the House or Business 
EAWSD strives to maintain water pressure at levels recommended for residential water service. However, water pressure on the house or business side of the customer meter is ultimately the responsibility of the customer. Devices needed to regulate the pressure at a home or business are considered part of the private plumbing system and are the responsibility of the customer to install, adjust, operate and maintain. The most common device is a pressure regulator, designed to reduce higher service pressures. Very low service pressures, however, may necessitate the installation of a private "booster pump" system, which is also the customer's responsibility to install, adjust, operate and maintain. 
Private Wells  
EAWSD has no regulatory authority or control over groundwater pumping from privately owned and operated wells. However, the District may require the installation of a District-approved backflow preventer on the service line for properties that have both a well and a connection to the public water system. Customers who wish to drill, and/or operate a well on their property, should contact their local Office of the State Engineer and the Santa Fe County Growth Management/Land Use Department for information on the necessary permits. 
Inclusion of Property in the District
EAWSD District boundaries were established by the State in 2004 and are shown on the District Boundary Map. However, EAWSD also serves customers outside the District Boundary but within its Service Area (also shown on the District Boundary Map). Customers inside the District pay an EAWSD tax as part of their County property taxes. Customers whose properties lie outside the District pay a higher “Out of District” monthly base fee in lieu of taxes.
Property owners whose property is outside the District may petition the EAWSD Board of Directors for inclusion of their property into the District. That process is established under Article IX of the EAWSD Bylaws. It requires that petitioners reimburse the District for the District’s costs incurred in processing the petition before the Board renders a decision whether to grant the petition. Those costs may include District legal services required to prepare documents associated with processing and filing the petition, costs to advertise a public hearing on the petition, and costs associated with holding the public hearing.
If you would like more information or to petition for inclusion of property into the District, contact the EAWSD Administrative Office at


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