2 North Chamisa Drive, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87508-9483

"Water is life's matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water."
(Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Hungarian Biochemist, 1937 Nobel Prize for Medicine)
The Eldorado area is in a semi-arid environment, with an average precipitation of only 12 inches per year. Residents of the Eldorado area are generally conservative in their use of water. We should all use water wisely, especially during hot dry periods.
Not only can water conservation practices help to ensure the availability of water, but reducing water consumption can also reduce the amount of energy required to deliver water to consumers.
For times of drought and water shortages, the District uses an EAWSD Water Restrictions and Alert Management Plan (WRAMP), which imposes mandatory consumer conservation measures. Starting May 1 through August 31, EAWSD will implement annual "Summer Watering Restrictions," as a key component of this plan. Actively observing Summer Watering Restrictions is not optional or weather dependent as in past years. Thank you for your cooperation!
The EAWSD Conservation Plan describes a cooperative program for conservation practices, involving residential water customers, commercial and public authority customers, and the District itself. The District is committed to supporting water conservation in the following ways:
Distribution system leak prevention and repair
Dissemination of information regarding water use efficiency measures
Water-rate structures to encourage water use efficiency.
Yearly water conservation surcharge for water usage in excess of 10,000 gallons per month during peak summer months