2 North Chamisa Drive, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87508-9483
Annual Summer Watering Restrictions Ended 8/31/24
Even though Annual Summer Watering Restrictions ended 8/31/24, EAWSD customers are asked to continue their normal water conservation activities, with special attention to reducing usage on weekends, which are the highest usage periods. If you have an outdoor irrigation system, it is important to monitor the timing of your watering and be hyper-conscious of any maintenance/repair issues, to avoid unnecessary leaks. When traveling out of town, do not leave your irrigation system/timer unsupervised.
Did You Know?
Water is made up of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen. Its chemical formula is H2O.
The existence of water is essential for life on Earth.
Water has three different states, liquid, solid and gas (e.g., water, ice and steam).
The freezing point of water lowers as the amount of salt dissolved in it increases. With average levels of salt, seawater freezes at -2 °C (28.4 °F).
Water makes a good solvent with many sugars, salts and acids easily dissolving in it. On the other hand, oils and fats don’t mix well with water.
Drinking water is needed for humans to avoid dehydration. The amount each person needs during a day depends on the temperature, his or her level of activity and other factors.
K I D S' C O R N E R
A Water Website Resource for Kids, Parents and Teachers
Water Ways - The Groundwater Foundation
Project Wet - Worldwide Water Education
ABCWUA Free Education Program
EPA Drinking Water & Ground Water Information
EPA Kids Water Education & Training
EPA WaterSense - Teachers and Kids
EPA Water Use it Wisely Tips - Teachers and Kids
eHOW Water Saving Tips for Kids