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The Eldorado Area Water & Sanitation District is governed by a five-member elected board of directors. The Board's duties are defined by the New Mexico Water and Sanitation Act

Directors and officers serve as volunteers and receive no compensation.  Each director swears to uphold the laws governing EAWSD.

The current Directors, their positions on the Board, and current terms of office and the Treasurer are shown below.

To email any of Directors, click either on their name or their photo 

Past Board Members

We appreciate all the individuals who have volunteered their time and talents to serve on the EAWSD Board of Directors:


Don Dayton

Syd Lumbers



Ray Nichols (2004-2005)

John Brown (2004)

John Reeder (2004)

Mary Raynard (2005-2007)

Jerry Williams (2005-2006)

Jerry Cooper (2005-2015)

Mary Ann Hale (2005-2008)

Bill Robens (2005-2006)

John Matis (2007-2008)

Dana Simmons (2006-2007)

George Haddad (2007-2008;  2011-2015)

James Jenkins (2007-2017)

Stephen Wust (2008-2014)

Roberta Armstrong (2008-2013)

Jerry Bradley (2009-2013)

Tom Willmott (2013-2016)

Philip Speicher (2014-2015)

John Calzada (2015 to present)

Carolyn Horne (2015 to 2017)

David Burling (2015-2017; 2019 to present)

Stephen Holder (2016-2017)

Steve Ewers (2017 to 2019)

Gregory Hart (2017 to present)

David Yard (2017 to present)

Elizabeth Roghair (2019-2021; 2021-present)

John Calzada.png
Gregory Hart.png
David Yard.png
Elizabeth Roghair 2021Q.jpg
David Burling.png

John Calzada

Director, President of the Board


Elected, term ending January 2028 - Position #2

Gregory Hart

Director, Vice-President of the Board


Elected, term ending January 2026 - Position #5

David Yard

Director, Secretary of the Board


Elected, term ending January 2028 - Position #1

David Burling

Director, Director of the Board


Elected, term ending January 2028 - Position #4

Elizabeth Roghair

Director, Treasurer of the Board


Elected, term ending January 2026 - Position #3

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