2 North Chamisa Drive, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87508-9483
Annual Summer Watering Restrictions Ended 8/31/24
Even though Annual Summer Watering Restrictions ended 8/31/24, EAWSD customers are asked to continue their normal water conservation activities, with special attention to reducing usage on weekends, which are the highest usage periods. If you have an outdoor irrigation system, it is important to monitor the timing of your watering and be hyper-conscious of any maintenance/repair issues, to avoid unnecessary leaks. When traveling out of town, do not leave your irrigation system/timer unsupervised.
Cost of Service & Rate Design Study
was held on 8/27/19 @ 6 PM
in the EAWSD Public Conf. Room
On Tuesday, Aug. 27th, Nelisa Heddin, the District's rate study consultant, presented her findings and recommendations of the EAWSD 2019 Rate Study that was conducted over the past year in a Public Forum setting. Ms. Heddin worked closely with the EAWSD Rate Study Advisory Committee to develop a rate schedule that will ensure that the District is able to efficiently manage it revenues to meet all utility expenses and debt obligations and to provide reliable water service to its customers over both the short term and long term. The last rate study was conducted in 2015. The current rate schedule will expire at the end of 2019.
If you did not have the opportunity to attend the Public Forum, but would like to comment or make a suggestion:
USE THE LINK BELOW TO COMMUNICATE WITH EAWSD regarding the Cost of Service & Rate Design Study Public Forum: info@EAWSD.org
Below are links to what was presented at the 8/27/19 Public Forum:
To view the final report accepted by the EAWSD Board on 9/19/2019, please use the link below:
FINAL REPORT: Cost of Service & Rate Design Study as submitted by Nelisa Heddin, Rate Study Consultant and presented at the 9/25/19 Public Hearing.
RESOLUTION No. 20-09-02: Authorizing an adjustment to Rates, Tolls, Fees or Charges effective with February 2020 Billing.
NEXT STEP: 9/25/19 PUBLIC HEARING starting at 6 PM in the EAWSD Public Conference Room @ 2 N. Chamisa Drive.
Cost of Service & Rate Design Study
was held on 9/25/19 @ 6 PM
in the EAWSD Public Conf. Room
On Wednesday, Sept. 25th, approximately seventeen EAWSD customers / ratepayers attended a formal Public Hearing at the EAWSD Administrative Building's Public Conference Room to hear testimony on a proposed rate adjustment to our community's water rates. Attorney Peter Gould, an independent Hearing Officer who is certified by the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (NMPRC), conducted the Public Hearing. The proposed rate adjustment is based on a yearlong EAWSD Cost of Service and Rate Design Study, conducted by the District's Rate Study Advisory Committee, in conjunction with rate consultant Nelisa Heddin of Nelisa Heddin Consulting, LLC. The current rate study process started in the spring of 2018, with a reevaluation of the applied concepts and findings that resulted from the 2015-2019 rate study. Using that inforatmion, the Rate Study Advisory Committee and Ms. Heddin began an in-depth analysis of our water utility's current and projected financial status along with goals of ensuring adequate revenues to systematically fund much needed future water needs, (i.e. new wells or new water supply sources and the replacement of aging, less reliable infrastructure) and to make sure that we can continue to retire the community's debt from its initial purchase of the water system.
If you did not have the opportunity to attend the Public Hearing, but would like to comment or make a suggestion:
USE THE LINK BELOW TO COMMUNICATE WITH EAWSD regarding the Cost of Service & Rate Design Study Public Hearing: info@EAWSD.org
USE THE LINK BELOW to view a copy of the 9/25/19 Public Rate Hearing TRANSCRIPT submitted on 10/4/19: PUBLIC RATE HEARING TRANSCRIPT
NEXT STEP: The Public Hearing officer has 30 days following receipt of the transcript to render his decision on or before 10/25/19.
Cost of Service & Rate Design Study
USE THE LINK BELOW to view a copy of the posted 10/25/19 Decision of the Public Hearing Officer as submitted by Attorney Peter Gould on 10/23/19:
Public Hearing Officer's Decision
NEXT STEP: For the next 20 days, following the official date of posting (10/25/19), of the Public Hearing Officer's Decision, any customer / ratepayer residing in the District can file a formal objection or appeal, directly to the EAWSD Board by using the link provided below.
USE THE LINK BELOW TO COMMUNICATE WITH EAWSD regarding the Public Hearing Officer's Decision info@EAWSD.org