2 North Chamisa Drive, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87508-9483

Your water meets State and Federal regulations for safety.
We are pleased to report that once again, during the past year, the water delivered to your home or business complied with all State and Federal drinking water requirements.
The District publishes a digital copy of the annual water quality report on its website, also known as the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), with a link that is made available to all EAWSD customers with their bills in June of each year. Customers can also request a hard copy of the report by calling (505) 466-1085 or visiting the EAWSD Customer Service and Billing Office located at 2 North Chamisa Drive in Eldorado.
We encourage you to read this report in its entirety. It is filled with valuable information on the quality of our water, with details including:
Source of supply
Source water assessment and availability
Monitoring results
Drinking water definitions
Table of EAWSD water quality data
For more information
Contact Anthony Marino, JACOBS/OMI or call (505) 466-1085 to speak with a member of the operations staff.
Key Resources
EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline
(800) 426-4791
EPA Drinking Water
US Environmental Protection Agency Ground Water and Drinking Water
NM Drinking Water Bureau
New Mexico Environment Department Drinking Water Bureau
US Safe Drinking Water Act
US Environmental Protection Agency Safe Drinking Water Act