2 North Chamisa Drive, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87508-9483

Drought Management
The Eldorado Area Water & Sanitation District (EAWSD) is dedicated to efficiently managing its limited water resources, including year-round conservation by all water users and seasonal and emergency restricted use as deemed necessary. Outlined in the Water Restrictions and Alert Management Plan (WRAMP), are the conservation measures which include Summer Watering Restrictions, Stage 1 (Guarded Conditions) and Stage 2 (Emergency Conditions).
*Please note that all restrictions presented apply only to the use of EAWSD water and not to the use of recycled and/or catchment water.
Summer Watering Restrictions include the following measures:
A. Outdoor watering of non-food producing landscapes is restricted to one of the following two options of the customer's choosing:
2. TWO (2) days per week including ONE (1) weekend day as follows:
a) Odd-numbered house addresses on Tuesday and Saturday.
b) Even-numbered house addresses on Thursday and Sunday.
B. Outdoor watering during the cooler part of the day - BEFORE 9:00 am and AFTER 6:00 pm ONLY.
C. No washing of outdoor hard surfaces (e.g., driveways, patios, sidewalks).
D. No washing of vehicles, including recreational vehicles or trailers.
E. Filling or adding water to a covered outdoor spa/hot tub is allowed. However, filling or adding water to pools or outdoor water features (e.g., fountains, ponds) is NOT allowed.
F. No water use or sales from District fire hydrants, except in accordance with contract requirements for EAWSD contractors.
Stage 1: Guarded Conditions

Stage 1: Guarded Conditions will be declared when it is anticipated that supply will be insufficient to maintain appropriate levels of system function, generally when tank levels cannot be maintained above 60-70% full.
All Summer Watering Restrictions are in effect, with the following additions and modifications:
A. Outdoor watering is restricted to ONE weekday per week, as follows:
1. Odd-numbered house addresses on Tuesday OR Wednesday;
2. Even-numbered house addresses on Thursday OR Friday;
B. No new in-ground planting of any kind except for cactus or xeric planting using only recycled water or water from a catchment system.
C. No filling or adding water to spa/hot tubs or to pools or outdoor water features (e.g., fountains, ponds).
D. No water may be used for new construction (residential or commercial) purposes; and
E. No watering of lawns or grassy areas outside of the one weekday allowance.
Stage 2: Emergency Conditions

Emergency Conditions may be declared by EAWSD Board approval if a situation exists that requires immediate attention, such as wildfire risk, impact on customer usage, or risk to the integrity of the system.
All Summer Watering Restrictions and Stage 1 - Guarded Conditions are Mandatory during the declared Stage 2 - Emergency Conditions, with the additional restriction that NO OUTDOOR WATER USE IS ALLOWED.